Happy Sunday || Happy September 1st

Isn’t it interesting how when you seem to have more time, less gets done?  That seems to be the theme of my summer.  Sadly brilliance and bliss suffered due to this occurrence as it has been almost two months since I posted last.  Although it is still the season of summer (and our hot, humid Southern California weather would reinforce this technicality), my summer has since passed and with it the joys of having little to worry about.  I worked, I vacationed, I relaxed, I enjoyed.  Now I am a week back in school in the midst of juggling a couple jobs, tennis, a cold, and trying to get another internship where I have to fulfill volunteer hours for one of my six classes.  Whoever said college was the best time of your life?

None the less I thoroughly enjoyed my lazy summer and now am excited to begin my senior year of college!  Thus I share a quote I found on Pinterest not too long ago that will definitely be relevant throughout this busy semester.


I have always had a thing for the 1st day of the month.  It’s another start, a fresh beginning, and … coincidentally my birthday (not too long away now!) falls on a first!  So here is to a new start on this first of the month, to living a life with reliance on Christ through my hectic schedule … and blogging just a bit more!

Happy Sunday.  Happy September 1st! xxo

6 thoughts on “Happy Sunday || Happy September 1st

  1. Pingback: Happy Sunday: Speak Positivity | msdollhousebeauty

  2. Pingback: My Moments – allaboutlemon-All Around, In, And Out Of My Own Universe

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